MAPublisher LabelPro is an optional add-on to MAPublisher. Purchased MAPublisher LabelPro licenses are added to the main MAPublisher license. During the registration process described earlier in this section, all valid licenses will be imported. When purchasing a new MAPublisher LabelPro license on top of an existing MAPublisher license, the existing license key will be tagged to support MAPublisher LabelPro and the new license must be retrieved (see instructions earlier).
To evaluate MAPublisher LabelPro, open the MAPublisher License Management dialog box from the Adobe Illustrator menu (Help > MAPublisher Licensing > MAPublisher License Management). Click the MAPublisher LabelPro branch and then click the Evaluate button as previously explained.
Click the Log button to see more system information about the license status.
The evaluation version of MAPublisher LabelPro scrambles the text of placed labels but preserves the case, spacing, and punctuation. The results give a sense of how actual labels would be placed based on the rule settings. See MAPublisher LabelPro section for more details on functionality and usage.
MAPublisher and MAPublisher LabelPro can only be both floating licenses or both local licenses (fixed or evaluation). A user on a floating license wishing to evaluate MAPublisher LabelPro will have their main MAPublisher and MAPublisher LabelPro licenses switched to a local evaluation license. At the end of the evaluation period, the settings for a floating license can be reset as described above.
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