Table font |
Set the text font for headers and attribute values. |
Table font size |
Set the text font size. |
Show icons in column headers |
Enable this option to display the data type in front of the attribute column name: Boolean, Integer, Double, String, and Image. |
Show display names in column headers |
Enable this option to show the display name of a column header instead of the actual column name. |
Show recordset navigation |
Enable this option to show navigation buttons in the MAP Attributes panel as well as any Tear-off panels. Use them to scroll through attribute records. |
Sort string attributes using Natural Comparison |
Enable this option to use an alphanumeric sort which is more natural to humans. |
Default viewer mode |
Set whether the default viewer mode for the attribute panel is based on All Features, where all features are listed and the selected features in the table are highlighted, or Selected Features only, which only lists those features that are selected. |
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