If you're using Adobe Creative Cloud and would like to use a previous version of Photoshop, there is an easy way to access previous versions.
First, open your Creative Cloud app, and go to the "All Apps" tab and find the application you'd like to download a previous version for (Photoshop). Once you've found that, click the three dots beside 'Open'. Then, click 'Other Versions'.
Once you've clicked 'Other Versions', a new screen will display with the latest version and previous versions of the product. You can then select to install one of these versions.
If multiple versions of an application are installed, they will be displayed in your "Installed" list on the "All Apps" page. You can also update your installed versions here by clicking on "Update available".
Once you have the required versions of Photoshop installed, you will have to re-install Geographic Imager. You can download Geographic Imager here.
To be sure you're installing the correct versions, we suggest checking our compatibility charts, which you can find for Geographic Imager here.
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