Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions when receiving license files for Avenza RLM license servers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Avenza Activation ( and Avenza Technical Support (
Geographic Imager stopped working since Geographic Imager was upgraded to the 6.x version on client machines. Why does this happen?
When upgrading Geographic Imager to the most recent version, please ensure that the license file on the server is upgraded as well as Geographic Imager installed on the client machines. The new license file can be requested from Avenza Activation ( After receiving the license file, simply replace the old license file with the new one.
The license file for the server was upgraded to Geographic Imager 6.x. However, it will be a while before upgrading to a newer version of Geographic Imager on the client machines. Can these client machines check out an older license of Geographic Imager from the license server with a Geographic Imager 6.x license file?
Yes, Avenza RLM floating license server is flexible for older versions of Geographic Imager. When the server machine has the newest version of Geographic Imager, the client machine with an earlier version of those products may check out a license from the server.
I have been using Geographic Imager 6.x for a while. We recently purchased both MAPublisher 10.x and MAPublisher FME Auto and received a license file for each product. Can I just place the three license files in the same folder for the RLM server binary?
Yes, you have three separate license files: one for Geographic Imager 6.x, one for MAPublisher 10.x, and one for MAPublisher FME Auto. If your RLM floating license server is running, stop the process, then place all three license files in one folder in the RLM parent folder, and restart RLM. Upon restart, RLM automatically detects all available license files in the RLM folder and indicates on the RLM log which products are available with the floating license system.
I purchased Geographic Imager 6.x, MAPublisher 10.x, and MAPublisher FME Auto, but only received one license file. Does the license file contain all the license information for the products I purchased?
Yes, you have received a license file with all the necessary license information for all three products. Depending on when and method of purchase, Avenza Activation will give you a single license file or separate license files for the purchased products. When running the RLM server, the products included in the license file will be displayed in the RLM log file.
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