MAPublisher Preferences are options that allow users to customize MAPublisher panels and editors, including those for layer ordering, font for attribute data display and panel style. Settings are available for the following categories:
•Create Knockouts •Import Vector Basemaps Preferences
MAPublisher Preferences are saved in an Adobe Illustrator preference file called AIPrefs (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Prefs (CC and Mac), which is launched each time Adobe Illustrator is started, meaning MAPublisher Preferences are not file dependent. MAPublisher Preferences are retained when upgrading from one version of MAPublisher to another.
The Adobe Illustrator preference file is located in the following directory:
Base folder: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe
For CS6: \Adobe Illustrator CS6 Settings\AIPrefs
For 2020 and newer: \Adobe Illustrator [version] Settings\[en_US]\[x64\x86]\Adobe Illustrator Prefs
Base folder: Users/[username]/Library/Preferences
For CS6: /Adobe Illustrator CS6 Settings/Adobe Illustrator Prefs
For 2020 and newer: /Adobe Illustrator [version] Settings/ [en_US]/Adobe Illustrator Prefs
Open MAPublisher Preferences
MAPublisher Preferences can be opened from the Adobe Illustrator main menu, Edit > MAPublisher Preferences (Windows) or Illustrator > MAPublisher Preferences (Mac), from the panel options menu of the following MAPublisher panels: MAP Attributes, MAP Selections, MAP Themes and MAP Views, and by double-clicking the tools buttons: MAP Location and MAP Measurement. All preferences shown here are the default settings.
Reset MAPublisher Preferences to Default Settings
MAPublisher Preferences can be reset directly from the MAPublisher Preferences dialog box. Right-click a category to display the choice to reset the preference setting of the category or the entire MAPublisher Preferences.
MAPublisher Preferences will also be reset if the Adobe Illustrator preferences are reset or deleted. Adobe often recommends this to solve some problems with the application. Adobe Illustrator preferences are reset by doing one of the following:
•Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac) as Adobe Illustrator is starting. The current settings are deleted.
•Remove or rename the AIPrefs file (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Prefs file (Mac). New preferences files are created the next time Adobe Illustrator is restarted.
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