Make sure to complete the Prepare the Map for Web Tags tutorial before completing this one.
This tutorial creates Web tag callouts for every object in the Provinces layer. These Web tags are used to expose attribute information when map features are clicked.
1. In the Adobe Illustrator Layers panel, click the target button beside the Provinces layer name to select all art.
2. In the MAP Web Author panel, click the Edit button to open the Edit Web Tag dialog box.
3. In the Edit Web Tag dialog box, click the Title box and then click the Insert Attribute button and in the expanded list, click %NAME% to insert it. Similarly, click the Image tab and insert %IMAGE%.
The %NAME% and %IMAGE% attribute variables retrieve values from the Provinces attribute table. In the case of %IMAGE%, the attribute is actually the image path (you saw this when you reviewed the layer attributes). The Show Preview option is enabled by default. This displays a preview of the web tag as the content is entered.
The attribute names are case sensitive and should match exactly as they are in the MAP Attribute table.
Now, add more information to the web tag by entering some basic HTML code. Look at the preview to see how it changes as the code is typed.
4. In the Content box, type the following:
<b>Province:</b> %NAME%<br>
<b>Population:</b> %Population%<br>
<b>Capital City:</b> %CapitalCity%<br><br>
Go to the <a href="%OfficialWebSite%">government website</a>
5. Beside the preview, click the arrow buttons to scroll through the web tags for each province.
The current and total number of web tags being edited is shown in between the arrow buttons. The web tags can be manually resized, however, the Auto Size feature ensures that content will fit properly.
6. Click OK to save the web tags and to close the Edit Web Tag dialog box.
7. Keep the document open and continue to the next tutorials to export the map to HTML5.
See this tutorial to export an HTML map.
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