This tutorial covers the labeling configuration for the source layers Highways_line, Interstates_line and Streets_line. Highways and interstates will be labeled using highway and interstate symbol shields—notice that these layers contain double-lines for each road (divided highways).
Label lines with symbols
1. In the MAP LabelPro dialogue box, click the Highways_line layer name in the Source column to highlight the row.
2. Click the Label source drop-down list and choose HIGHWAY_NUMBER.
3. Change the Output layer to HIGHWAY_INTERSTATE_labels.
4. Set the Priority to 2.
5. Click the Style drop-down list and choose Highway_Label_Style. Click the Edit button to open the Style dialogue box and examine its settings. This style was predefined.
In addition to the regular font settings, line labels can also be labeled with symbols. In this case, the Label with the symbol option is enabled. Symbol files (*.lsf) contain a series of symbols. In the example above, the United States Interstate symbol is selected from the generic_shields.lsf symbol file. The symbol size is set to a height of 0.25 inches. The symbol font colour is set to white so it can be legible against the blue symbol.
6. After reviewing the Style settings click OK to close it.
7. Click the Rules drop-down list and choose Highway_Label_Rule. Click the Edit button to open the Line Rules dialogue box and examine its settings. These rules were predefined.
With these settings, the highway labels (and shields) will be placed in the middle of each line length and on the centerline, with a font reduction (if necessary). The Divided Highways setting recognizes lines that are parallel and share the same name (as specified by the selected attribute). In such cases, it places only one symbol instead of two or more. The Allow labels to cross lines option needs to be enabled because double highway lines are very close in proximity and the labels need to cross the lines. See more information on line labeling rules.
Evaluation users will see a different result than a licensed user. Because of the text scrambling, the divided highways cannot be recognized. Below is an example:
Left: Result with MAP LabelPro license. Right: Result with evaluation license.
8. After reviewing the Line Rules settings click OK to close it.
9. Click the Suppression layer drop-down list and choose SUPPRESSED_labels.
The settings for the Highways_line layer are completed. Continue with the settings for the Interstates_line layer.
10. Click the Interstates_line layer name in the Source column to highlight the row.
11. Click the Label source drop-down list and choose INTERSTATE_NUMBER.
12. Change the destination text layer to HIGHWAY_INTERSTATE_labels.
13. Set the Priority column to 2.
14. Click the Style drop-down list and choose Interstate_Label_Style. Click the Edit button to open the Style dialogue box and examine its settings. This style was predefined.
The United States Route symbol is selected from the generic_shields.lsf symbol file. The symbol size is set to a height of 0.25 inches.
15. After reviewing the Style settings click OK to close it.
16. Click the Rules drop-down list and choose Interstate_Label_Rule. Click the Edit button to open the Line Rules dialogue box and examine its settings. These rules were predefined.
The labeling rules for the interstates are the same as for the highways. Also, the previous note about text scrambling applies to evaluation users.
17. After reviewing the Line Rules settings click OK to close it.
18. Click the Suppression layer drop-down list and choose SUPPRESSED_labels.
The label settings for the interstate roads are now complete. Continue with setting up street labels.
Label lines with text only
19. In the MAP LabelPro dialogue box, click the Streets_line layer name in the Source column to highlight the row. Keep STREETNAME as the Label source attribute.
20. Click the Output layer drop-down list and choose STREET_labels.
21. Set the Priority column to 2.
22. Click the Style drop-down list and choose Street_Label_Style. Click the Edit button to open the Style dialogue box and examine its settings. This style was predefined.
Notice that this time Label with symbol is not checked.
23. After reviewing the Style settings click OK to close it.
24. Click the Rules drop-down list and choose Street_Label_Rule. Click the Edit button to open the Line Rules dialogue box and examine its settings. These rules were predefined.
Like highway and interstate labels, street labels will be placed in the middle of each line length and on the centerline, with an eventual font reduction if necessary. The ability to overhang is enabled here.
The street lines in this file are not joined. For example, each street is made of many line segments that all share the same STREETNAME attribute. To avoid repeating the name of connecting lines, the Label joined feature rule is enabled. MAP LabelPro recognizes that connecting lines sharing the same name need to be labeled only once.
Evaluation users will see a different result than a licensed user due to the text scrambling. Names are not recognized as being the same and labels will be created for each line segment rather than one per street.
Left: Result with MAP LabelPro license. Right: Result with evaluation license.
25. After reviewing the Line Rules settings click OK to close it.
26. Click the Suppression layer drop-down list and choose SUPPRESSED_labels.
This completes the label settings for all line layers. Do not close the MAP LabelPro dialogue box as the configuration of the Land_area layer still has to be done. If you want to save the current configurations, click the Save button. You will have to reopen the MAP LabelPro dialogue box to continue.
27. Continue to Adjust Area Label Rules and Style.
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