Geographic Imager is licensed for use on a single computer and, once activated, will be node-locked and will only function on that computer. Therefore, before proceeding with installation and activation, ensure that Geographic Imager is installed on the appropriate computer.
Only one version of Geographic Imager can be installed at a time even if different versions of Adobe Photoshop are installed.
1. Make sure that a compatible version of Adobe Photoshop is installed on your computer. If Adobe Photoshop is running, exit the program.
2. Ensure that you have administrative privileges for the installation process. If you are unsure whether you have the proper privileges, please consult with your IT department.
Downloaded version: Extract the contents of When you have unzipped the files, proceed to the Geographic Imager directory and double-click Setup.exe.
DVD version: Insert the Geographic Imager DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. If Autorun is disabled on your system, navigate to the Geographic Imager for Windows directory on the DVD, and double-click Setup.exe.
3. Proceed through the installation screens as instructed. Note that you will have options to install documentation and tutorial data. If you choose to install these components these files can be subsequently be found in the \Program Files\Avenza\Geographic Imager directory. Additionally, you may access the documentation from the Windows Start menu (All Programs > Avenza > Geographic Imager folder).
4. Launch Adobe Photoshop. See the License Management section for product activation details.
The installer will detect previous versions of Geographic Imager already installed. The installer will uninstall the previous version of Geographic Imager before installing the latest release.
The LizardTech GeoExpress 8 installer is only available for 64-bit versions of Windows. This install is required only if you need to export to MrSID format.
1. Make sure that you have a compatible version of Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer. If Adobe Photoshop is running, exit the program.
2. Ensure that you have administrative privileges for the installation process. If you are unsure whether you have the proper privileges, please consult with your IT department.
Downloaded version: Mount the GI69mac.dmg file if this operation has not been completed automatically. Then proceed to the Geographic Imager 6.9 mounted disk image and double-click Geographic Imager Installer 6.9.pkg.
DVD version: Insert the Geographic Imager DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. Navigate to the Geographic Imager for Mac directory on the DVD, and double-click Geographic Imager Installer 6.9.pkg.
3. Proceed through the installation screens as instructed. Note that documentation and tutorial data may also be installed at your option. After installation, these files can be found in the /Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager directory.
4. Launch Adobe Photoshop. See the License Management section for product activation details.
Geographic Imager License File
The Geographic Imager license file must be located in the following location:
Windows (64-bit)
C:\ProgramData\Avenza\Geographic Imager
/Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager/Geographic Imager Plug-In
* English versions only. Location may differ in other Adobe Photoshop language versions.
Geographic Imager Help and Tutorial Files
Help and tutorial files are installed in the following locations:
Windows (64-bit)
Help: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Avenza\Geographic Imager\Help and Tutorial Data\
Tutorial files: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Avenza\Geographic Imager\Help and Tutorial Data\Tutorial Data\
Sample Scripts: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Avenza\Geographic Imager\Help and Tutorial Data\Tutorial Data\Sample Scripts
Help: /Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager/Geographic Imager Plug-in/Help and Tutorial Data
Tutorial files: /Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager/Geographic Imager Plug-in/Help and Tutorial Data/Tutorial Data
Sample Scripts: /Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager/Geographic Imager Plug-in/Help and Tutorial Data/Tutorial Data/Sample Scripts
Adobe Photoshop Plug-Ins Directory
The Geographic Imager plug-in is installed in the following directory:
English: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [CS version]\Plug-Ins
Dutch: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [CS version]\Insteekmodules
French: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [CS version]\Modules externes
German: C:\Programme\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [CS version]\Zusatzmodule
Italian: C:\Programmi\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop [CS version]\Plug-In
/Applications/Adobe Photoshop [CS version]/Plug-Ins
File Backup During Reinstall Or Uninstall
Files such as CustomColorMappings.xml, CustomDEMSchema.xml, customsystems.xvw, and WMS_ServicesFile.xml store custom data and can be backed up when uninstalling or reinstalling Geographic Imager. During reinstallation, the files are maintained (on Windows) and maintained and backed up automatically (on Mac). It is recommended to use the default name and save the location set by Geographic Imager.
On Windows, during uninstall, it is recommended to back up these files. They are backed up to the following location:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Avenza\Geographic Imager
On Windows, during reinstall, these files are maintained.
On Mac, during reinstall, these files are backed up files to the following location:
Mac: /Applications/Avenza/Geographic Imager/Data Source Backup
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