1. Create a new Adobe Illustrator document.
2. Import fcstreets.mif from the Tutorial Data folder.
3. Open the Adobe Illustrator Graphic Styles panel.
4. Use the Adobe Illustrator Line Segment Tool to create a graphic style by drawing a line on the page. Assign the line a stroke weight of 2 pt, a stroke colour of red, and a fill of none.
5. Open the Adobe Appearance panel via Windows > Appearance. From the Appearance panel option menu choose Add New Stroke. Set the colour to yellow and the stroke weight to 1.6. Make sure the newly created stroke is above the 2 pt red stroke in the Appearance panel.
6. Use the Selection Tool to drag this line into the Graphic Styles panel. In the Graphic Styles panel, double-click the style to open the Graphic Style Options dialog box. Rename the style to Primary Road.
Delete the line on the artboard (the style will remain available inside the Graphic Styles panel).
7. In the Graphic Styles panel option menu, click Open Graphic Style Library > MAP Graphic Styles > MAP - Line Styles. If using a non-English version of Illustrator, choose Other Library > Open Graphic Style Library and browse to the MAPublisher supplied file MAP - Line Styles.ai from \Helpful Styles & Symbols\Graphic Styles folder (see Helpful Styles & Symbols).
8. From the MAP - Line Styles panel, add the graphic styles MAP Line 12 and MAP Line 16 to the document's Graphic Style panel.
These new styles will now be available for use in the current document.
9. Rename MAP Line 12 to Local Road and MAP Line 16 to Secondary Road. Close the MAP - Line Styles panel.
10. Open the MAP Themes panel and in the panel option menu, click New MAP Stylesheet.
11. In the New MAP Theme dialogue box, type Road Types into the Theme name field, choose the Stylesheet Theme type, choose Line from the Feature type drop-down list, and click OK.
12. Double-click the Road Types stylesheet. Click the Layers button and click the fcstreets_line layer check box in the Selected column, then click OK.
13. In the Edit Stylesheet Theme dialogue box, click the Add button three times to add three rules. Rename Rule 1 to Primary Road, Rule 2 to Secondary Road, and Rule 3 to Local Road.
14. In the Rule Expression tab, click the Apply to artwork that satisfies this expression option. For the Primary Road rule select "Number" from the pull down menu displaying attributes, and choose the unique attribute value "A25". In the Visual Properties tab, click the Style check box and choose the Primary Road style.
15. In the Rule Expression tab, click the Apply to artwork that satisfies this expression option. For the Secondary Road rule select "Number" from the pull down menu displaying attributes, and choose the unique attribute value "A31". In the Visual Properties tab, click the Style check box and choose the Secondary Road style.
16. In the Rule Expression tab, click the Apply to artwork that satisfies this expression option. For the Local Road rule select "Number" from the pull down menu displaying attributes, and choose the unique attribute value "A41". In the Visual Properties tab, click the Style check box and choose the Local Road style.
17. When all the rules are defined with a style and expression, click Apply. (If a MAP Theme warning appears, just click the close button.)
The primary, secondary and local roads are styled accordingly.
18. Save this document as MyRoads.ai in the Tutorial Data folder.
19. Close the document.
Want to follow along to this tutorial?
Please see our corresponding YouTube videos for the various MAPublisher tutorials covered in our online documentation!*
* Providing a general overview of the steps covered in this tutorial, our Create Line Stylesheet Theme video tutorial will walk you through the line styling process in MAPublisher.
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