1. Complete the Import Points from Delimited XY Text Data tutorial or open your previously saved MyPoints.ai in the Tutorial Data folder.
2. Open the Adobe Illustrator Symbols panel (choose Window > Symbols), in the Symbols panel option menu, click Open Symbol Library > MAP Symbols > MAP - Symbols. If using a non-English version of Adobe Illustrator choose Open Symbol Library > Other Library and load MAP - Symbols.ai from \Helpful Styles & Symbols\MAP Symbols (see page iii).
3. Shift-select all the symbols in the MAP Symbols panel, and drag them into the Adobe Illustrator Symbols panel.
4. Open the MAP Themes panel and in the panel option menu, click New MAP Theme.
5. In the New MAP Theme dialogue box, type Point Data into the Theme Name field, choose Stylesheet as the Theme Type, choose Point from the Feature type drop-down list, and click OK.
6.Double-click the Point Data stylesheet, or choose Edit "Point Data" from the MAP Themes panel option menu. Click the Layers button and select the azdeci_point layer.
7. In the Edit Stylesheet Theme dialogue box, click the Add button four times to add four rules. Rename Rule 1 to Airport, Rule 2 to Church, Rule 3 to Hospital and Rule 4 to Park.
8. Select the Airport rule and in the expression column, build the expression: C3 = "airport". In the Visual Properties tab, check the Symbol checkbox and from the drop-down list choose an airplane symbol. Check the Scale check box and change the Scale to 70%.
9. Select the Church rule and in the expression column, build the expression C3 = "church". In the Visual Properties tab, check the Symbol checkbox and from the drop-down list choose a church symbol. Check the Scale check box and change the Scale to 70%.
10. Select the Hospital rule and in the expression column, build the expression C3 = "hospital". In the Visual Properties tab, check the Symbol checkbox and from the drop-down list choose a hospital symbol. Check the Scale check box and change the Scale to 70%.
11. Select the Park rule and in the expression column, build the expression C3 = "park". In the Visual Properties tab, check the Symbol checkbox and from the drop-down list choose a park symbol (e.g. Green - camping). Check the Scale check box and change the Scale to 70%.
12. Click Apply. The specified symbol styles are applied to the map. The styles used in the Symbols panel are now linked to the attribute values specified by the style rules.
13. Close the document without saving.
Want to follow along to this tutorial?
Please see our corresponding YouTube videos for the various MAPublisher tutorials covered in our online documentation!*
* Providing a general overview of the steps covered in this tutorial, our Create Point Stylesheet Theme video tutorial will walk you through the point styling process in MAPublisher.
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