1. Open usa48.ai from the Tutorial Data folder.
2. In the MAPublisher Toolbar, click the MAP Info button.
The MAP Info panel appears.
3. Move the mouse cursor to any location on the map to view its geographic coordinates.
The MAP Info panel shows the Position (Easting and Northing) and Geodetic base (Longitude and Latitude) values and are constantly updated as the mouse cursor is moved around the map document. (To view WGS 84 or MGRS values, click the panel options menu.)
4. In the Adobe Illustrator Tools panel, click the MAP World Locations tool (the cursor changes to a crosshair).
5. Click anywhere on the map to create a MAP World Location.
A MAP World Location will be created at the point of the click. MAP Locations are used as annotations to identify map world or page locations. It is created in projected units based on the MAP View coordinate system. Optionally, click the Copy to Clipboard button to make the coordinate values available beyond this dialog box.
6. Click OK.
A blue MAP Location pin is placed on the artboard (the MAP Location color can be changed any time). When the MAP Location tool is enabled, hovering near the pin will make its label visible. Hold shift and click a MAP Location to move it to a new location. To see a list of all MAP Locations, open the MAP Locations panel from the MAPublisher toolbar.
7. Close the document without saving it.
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