1. Create a new Letter sized Adobe Illustrator document in landscape orientation.
2. Import worldwest.mif from the Tutorial Data folder.
The map file is in the Robinson coordinate system.
3. Select the Canada polygon shape and assign a fill color to it.
4. In the MAP Views panel, double-click the worldwest MAP View to open the MAP View Editor.
5. Change the map scale to 1: 250 million by typing 250000000 in the Scale box.
6. Click the Show Anchors check box to display the map and page anchors (if the artboard is blocking the anchor numbers, click the zoom out button a few times). In the Quick alignment tab, click the top-left square to reposition the data to the top-left of the page.
The Preview Pane shows the new Map Anchor and the Page Anchor values have been automatically updated. Move the artboard in the preview if the anchor values block the extent box.
7. Click OK.
The worldwest MAP View is rescaled and repositioned in the top-left corner of the page. This can be used as a small inset map referencing Canada to the Western Hemisphere countries.
8. Import canada.shp from the Tutorial Data folder.
The map file is in the NAD27 coordinate system.
9. In the MAP Views panel, double-click the canada MAP View to open the MAP View Editor.
10. Click the Perform Coordinate System Transformation checkbox to enable its frame options. Click the Same As check box and select the worldwest MAP View in the drop-down list. Notice how the destination is set to Robinson and the datum shift is NAD27 to WGS 84 (88).
11. In the Quick alignment tab, click the center square to reposition the data to the center of the page.
The Preview Pane shows the new data extents and the Page Alignment values are automatically edited.
12. Click OK.
The MAP View is transformed to match the coordinate system of the worldwest MAP View.
13. Close the document without saving.
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