In this tutorial, you will be importing data from Munich, Germany.
- Create a new Adobe Illustrator document in portrait orientation.
- Using Import or Multiple Data Import, choose the Basic File Geodatabase Reader [*.gdb] format and click Browse. Navigate to the Tutorial Data folder and select Bavaria.gdb and click Select Folder.
- In the Import dialog box, click the Connect and choose feature classes link.
- In the Select Feature Classes dialog box, click the Bavaria feature class to select it, then click OK.
- Click OK to import the feature classes.
The imported data is the area boundary of Bavaria, a state of Germany. Next, you'll import an additional feature class using an SQL Query to limit the number of features imported. - Use Import again to choose feature classes from the Bavaria geodatabase. In the Select Feature Classes dialog box, choose the SQL Query option, and click Create SQL Select Query.
- In the Create SQL Select Query dialog box, enter the following query: SELECT * FROM Bavaria_cities WHERE Bavaria_cities.POP_RANGE ='75K to 250K'
The SQL query states that it will select all features from the Bavaria_cities point layer that has a population range attribute equal to 75K to 250K. Click the Validate button to verify that the SQL was properly entered. - Click OK. Click OK again to close the Select Features Classes dialog box
Notice how the Feature Classes status is listed as "SQL query". - Finally, click OK to import the features.
- In the Matching MAP View Found dialog box, make sure Add to Bavaria is chosen and click OK.
The Bavaria_cities_point layer is added to the map. Only five points are added. Open the MAP Attributes table to view the cities and their population to verify that the SQL query entered returned the correct results. Next, you'll import one more feature class using a spatial filter. - Use Import again to choose feature classes from the Bavaria geodatabase. In the Select Feature Classes dialog box, select Major_routes in the Select Feature Classes list and click Specify Spatial Filter.
- Make sure the Intersects option is chosen as the Relationship. Choose the Set Points manually option and enter the following Corner and Opposite Corner coordinate values:
Corner: Long: 9.75, Lat: 49.85
Opposite Corner: Long: 12.25, Lat: 48.65
The Intersects relationship option specifies that only data that intersects the spatial filter boundary will be imported. - Click OK to confirm these values. Click OK to close the Select Feature Classes dialog box, and finally OK to import the features.
- In the Matching MAP View Found dialog box, make sure Add to Bavaria is chosen and click OK.
The feature classes are successfully imported using the extent specified by the spatial filter. - Close the document without saving it.
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