1. Create a new Adobe Illustrator document.
2. Import torontostreetsjoined.mif and fsatoronto.mif from the Tutorial Data folder.
3. Double-click the MAP View and perform a coordinate system transformation to NAD83 / UTM zone 17N.
4. With all data on both layers selected, open the MAP Attributes panel. This tutorial will use the All Features mode, which will display all the attributes, but you can also use Selected Features Only mode, which will just display those selected.
Examine the table structure and map attribute records. Deselect the data and close the MAP Attributes panel. If necessary, symbolize the layers so that the features are distinguishable.
5. Click the MAP Vector Rectangle Crop Tool from the main Adobe Illustrator Tools panel.
Notice the mouse cursor has changed to a cross hair.
6. Click once near the center of the map. This opens the MAP Vector Crop dialogue box.
7. In the Dimensions section, enter a width of 2000 and a height of 4200 (meters). In the Target section, choose Only and choose the fsatoronto_area layer in the drop-down list.
Move the dialogue box out of the way to see a preview of the crop area size. This will give you an idea of what section of the data will be cropped. The crop should only target fsatoronto_area layer and the streets will remain untouched.
8. Click OK to complete the crop.
The fsatoronto_area layer is cropped to the crop extent and the streets were untouched because they were not included as a target.
9. In the Adobe Illustrator Tools, click and hold the MAP Vector Crop Rectangle Tool button to choose the Ellipse Rectangle Tool. On the artboard, click and drag an ellipse to draw a crop extent. Release the mouse button to complete the crop.
To achieve a proportional crop area, hold the Shift key while dragging the crop area.
10. Once again, select all data in both layers and open the MAP Attributes panel.
Notice that the attributes have been maintained, but there are fewer features because of the crop. Your results may differ based on your own cropping settings.
11. Close the document without saving.
Want to follow along to this tutorial?
Please see our corresponding YouTube videos for the various MAPublisher tutorials covered in our online documentation!*
* Providing a general overview of the steps covered in this tutorial, our Cropping Map Features video tutorial will walk you through the cropping process in MAPublisher.
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