1. Create a new Adobe Illustrator document.
2. Import torontostreetsjoined.mif and torontopoints.mif from the Tutorial Data folder. After import, ensure the torontopoints_point layer is positioned at the top of the layers hierarchy in the Adobe Illustrator Layers panel.
3. If necessary, deselect all layers and only select the points of the torontopoints_point layer and open the MAP Attributes panel.
All Features mode is only available when using Adobe Illustrator 2022 (version 26.x) or later
The ID attribute column contains four unique values identifying points that compose: two subway lines (S1 and S2), the mainline rail track (R1), and a park boundary (P43). Both LineNumber and AreaNumber columns contain sequential numeric values indicating the number of each point in its sequence. Note that some points contain matching values.
4. Deselect all points and on the MAPublisher toolbar, click the Join button and click Join Points.
Since only one point layer is present in the document and there are no points selected, the Source Layer defaults to the torontopoints_point layer in the Join Points dialogue box.
5. In the Destination Layer box, type Joined Points (a new layer will be created with this name) and leave the Close paths checkbox unchecked.
6. In the Group By drop-down list, choose ID. This contains the unique attributes that will be used to join similar points together.
7. In the Sort By section, click LineNumber in the Available Columns list, and click the right arrow button to add it to the Sort Order list. Click AreaNumber and click the right arrow button again to add it to Sort Order.
Ensure that LineNumber is at the top of the Sort Order list box. Having LineNumber at the top of the Sort Order column makes it the primary sorting column when determining the order of points in the chain. The AreaNumber column is used as the secondary sorting column if any points in the primary column contain matching values.
8. Make sure the dialogue box matches the one above and click OK.
All the points are joined based on the specified parameters. A line layer called Joined Points is created that contains four new lines. The lines represent two subway lines, the mainline rail track, and the perimeter of a small park. To see the Joined Points line more clearly, hide the other layers.
9. Select the four lines of the Joined Points layer and open the MAP Attributes panel.
All Features mode is only available when using Adobe Illustrator 2022 (version 26.x) or later
Notice that an attribute column named ID was created and contains the values specified in the Group By setting in the Join Points dialogue box. Note that the small segment with the attribute P43 is the outline of a park area. However, this segment should be closed and should be deleted using the following steps.
10. In the Adobe Illustrator Layers panel, select the torontopoints_point layer and use the MAP Selections to select all the points with an ID equal to P43 (see tutorial on Making Selection filters).
11. With the points of P43 selected, click the Join button and click Join Points.
In the Join Points dialogue box, the torontopoints_point layer is chosen by default.
12. Click the Only join selected points check box to enable it.
13. In the Destination section Layer box, type Park Layer. This time, click the Close Paths check box to enable it. Leave the Group By as the default of ID.
14. Add AreaNumber and LineNumber to the Sort Order column list, and make sure LineNumber is at the top of the list.
15. Make sure your dialogue matches the graphic above and click OK.
The selected points are joined based on the specified parameters. A new Park Layer is created that contains a polygon that represents the perimeter of a small park. The map can be styled to more clearly show the subway lines, rail line and park.
16. Close the document without saving.
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